Name: "Pseudoflavonifractor sp."
DSM No.:107456, Type strain
Strain designation: Cla-CZ-98
Isolated from: chicken cecal content
Country: Germany Dietramszell (Bavaria)
Nagoya Protocol Restrictions: There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
History: <- T. Clavel, RWTH Aachen; Cla-CZ-98 <- C. Zenner, LMU, München;
Genbank accession numbers: 16S rRNA gene: MN055919.1 complete genome shotgun sequence: JADCKF000000000
Cultivation conditions: Medium 215c , 37°C or Medium 693 , 37°C Please follow special instructions: ;'Cultivation of Anaerobes' Complete DSMZ Media List
Summary and additional information: <- T. Clavel, RWTH Aachen; Cla-CZ-98 <- C. Zenner, LMU, München;. Chicken cecal content. Germany. Sampling Date: 26.09.2017. Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: MN055919.1, complete genome shotgun sequence: JADCKF000000000. (Medium 215, incubation time: 2-3 days, gas phase: 80%N2, 20%CO2, pH 7, 37°C, anaerobic or Medium 693, incubation time: 2-3 days, gas pack, pH 7, 37°C, anaerobic)
Name: "Pseudoflavonifractor sp."
DSM No.:107456, Type strain
Strain designation: Cla-CZ-98
Isolated from: chicken cecal content
Country: Germany Dietramszell (Bavaria)
Nagoya Protocol Restrictions: There are NO known Nagoya Protocol restrictions for this strain.
History: <- T. Clavel, RWTH Aachen; Cla-CZ-98 <- C. Zenner, LMU, München;
Genbank accession numbers: 16S rRNA gene: MN055919.1 complete genome shotgun sequence: JADCKF000000000
Cultivation conditions: Medium 215c , 37°C or Medium 693 , 37°C Please follow special instructions: ;'Cultivation of Anaerobes' Complete DSMZ Media List
Summary and additional information: <- T. Clavel, RWTH Aachen; Cla-CZ-98 <- C. Zenner, LMU, München;. Chicken cecal content. Germany. Sampling Date: 26.09.2017. Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: MN055919.1, complete genome shotgun sequence: JADCKF000000000. (Medium 215, incubation time: 2-3 days, gas phase: 80%N2, 20%CO2, pH 7, 37°C, anaerobic or Medium 693, incubation time: 2-3 days, gas pack, pH 7, 37°C, anaerobic)